Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ho Hum

The women in my family have this disease called PMS. The symptoms involve bloating, irratibility and extreme irrational craziness.

Today was suppose to be day 2 of the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. I was excited about it. Thought about it all day at work. Thought to myself "I'm sore, but I bet I can get through day 2"

AND THEN I come home.

In the living room we have two dvd players. The family one that has no remote and then mine that has a remote. I go to put my dvd in my player and it won't open. A little nephew of mine has put his movie in my dvd player and broke the spring mechanism that opens the dvd player. Ok, fine, I'll pull it open, no big deal. I go to plug the red, yellow and white cord into the dvd player and I notice that my electricity cord has disappeared.


I am PMSing.
I am short tempered.
I'm already irrational.

AND NOW I can't play MY exercise DVD.

Now, a logical, rational, calmer me would have figured something out. Anything out.

The crazed, illogical, pms me says "Screw it all" and goes and pouts and crys in my room.

Needless to say, no working out happened and I am sad. :-(

And I feel bad because my work out partner did work out and I'm just a loser.

But, I stayed under points for the day. That has to count for SOMETHING... Right???


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