Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An Introduction

It was two days ago that my fiance Joseph, and his brother Stephen went down to the basement to try out this new workout dvd they had called P90X. Stephen's wife, Jasmine, and I went down and watched them sweat and pant as they did pushup after pushup.

I've struggled for months on losing weight, but I've struggled many times before on previous weight loss struggles. It took me a while to realize that you HAVE to make not a change for a time being, but it must be a lifestyle change. You can not just endure for a while you must change for the better.

There are many things in my life which I need to work on, my temper, my organizational skills (or lack thereof), but mostly my relationship with my body. It's a very depressing thing to hate how you look, but some how that hate is always forgotten when given a treat, or when wanting a quarter pounder from McDonalds.

But, I'm slowly learning the joy of healthy foods. I'm slowly (very slowly) learning that with some good friends suffering with you, that exercise doesn't have to be evil.

And what I've learned the most in the past few days, is that not only am I not alone, but that reading other people's success and struggles with weight loss give me hope! So maybe I can help someone else out, if I can have some success.

So, I want to lose weight, get in better shape, be stronger, more confident, feel beautiful, get my life together, try and figure it out.


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