Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Year, New Times, New Point of View?

So, for a month before the new year I did the Quick Weight Loss diet. Joined the center, followed their sucky *diet* and did really well until I gained and they gave me crap excuses for it. You know, I've gained on diets before, and it has never devastated me as much as when I gained on this diet.

Never before had I stuck so firmly to a diet. I followed their little plan, ate only what and when I was suppose to and waited for my promised 3 pounds a week to just fall off. Naive? No, I didn't think so. You don't really eat anything that stays around for a while. But, when their plan isn't working and all they can tell you is "Well, it's too soon to change the plan" it tends to leave a person upset in more ways than one.

There is something I learned from this though. The most important thing I learned from this diet was that I could say no to foods. I said no to the company thanksgiving feast. I said no to the chocolate right by my desk from customers. I said no to anything appealing.

One of the blogs I read regularly on here, the girl posted her goals for 2009. So, I'm basically going to steal her list and take off what isn't relevant.Her list

So this is her list, revised to fit me. And perhaps, I'll even add some.

-Run a 5k (and have a personal record to beat)

-Get through the entire shred series.

-Do 1 pull up

-Run a 10k (and have a personal record to beat)

-Read 50 books 3 down that I can think of. I need to start that list.

-Lose weight! Get to a weight I'm happy with and feel good about myself. Learn to really eat healthy and love it

-Talk Joe into getting me a corgi. He promised!

-Call my grandmother once a week (I hate taking on the phone, but I know my Grandma likes it when I call)

-Eat vegetarian 2 nights per week

-Research and implement one new 'green living' technique each month

-Do one new special, nice, unexpected, or thoughtful thing for Joe each week

-Pay off a good chunk of our debt and save up money also.

-Budget our money better.

-Get married! (I'll let you know how that turns out in less than 2 months! :-) )

-Do something wedding related for other people and get paid. I can do invitations, programs, personalized aisle runners, thank you cards and probably whatever you need!


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