Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Crazy? I'm not crazy!

So the other night I had major anxiety that when it came time for my wedding I would be too fat and my dress wouldn't fit and that of course, is a huge disaster. :-(

But it's all the more reason to stay OP and to keep up with my exercise. It looks like I could possibly do 3 days of Shred in a row this coming up weekend, heck maybe even 4. But I've been doing it so late that I think it is harder than it needs to be. That and I don't like to eat dinner until after I shred because I don't want to puke from working out so hard. Ho, hum.

Anyways, as soon as my slacker fiance (love you hun!) gets my pictures of the meal I cooked off of his camera I can post. They were both a double thumbs up and I can't wait to have it again.

I have a new recipe I'm trying out Friday night called Tater tot casserole. But I'm using hashbrowns instead of tater tots which cuts the points in half. Pics and recipe of that to come also! :-)


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